


Vertical Screen's Ricki Abrams Earns CIPP/C Certification

In March 2022, Vertical Screen's Associate General Counsel and privacy law specialist, Ricki Abrams, passed the International Association of Privacy Professionals' Certified Information Privacy Professional/Canada (CIPP/C) exam.

Ricki has earned this certification on the heels of her recent certification in the United States equivalent (CIPP/US), which we reported in February.

Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/International Organization for Standardization (ISO), CIPP/C certification indicates that Ricki keenly understands Canada's distinctive federal, provincial, and territorial data privacy governance systems and how they interplay between tiers. Passing this exam - considered the "gold industry standard" for individuals working within the privacy sector - demonstrates that a professional is up to date on all significant Canadian information privacy laws. The CIPP/C body of knowledge that Ricki has proven familiarity with includes Canadian privacy fundamentals, the Canadian government and legal system, enforcement agencies and powers, and Canadian privacy laws and practices in the private and public sectors.

Vertical Screen proudly congratulates Ricki, a key member of our compliance department, on her commitment to protecting our valued customer's privacy by obtaining this certification. She is adding this distinction to her previously achieved CIPP/E and CIPP/US certifications, covering Europe and the United States, respectively.

Ricki has been with Vertical Screen since 2018 and graduated from the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law in 2020. After graduation, Ricki passed the Pennsylvania Bar Examination and the New Jersey Bar Examination and has since been assisting our General Counsel and supporting our clients by performing all facets of legal work. Some of Ricki's work includes overseeing all data privacy and global regulatory requirements, counseling on federal and state compliance matters, researching industry-specific requirements, advising and responding to client inquiries, and assisting with various litigation matters.

Vertical Screen is thrilled to have Ricki as an esteemed member of our legal team and we salute her valuable contributions at our organization.

Posted: April 1, 2022

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